TransliterationO zheleznodorozhnom transporte SSSR Oformlenie khud. N.S. Troshina.
In EnglishOn the Railway Transport of the USSR Decoration by N.S. Troshin.
Publication Date: 1935
Publication Place: n/a
Description: Short description: Vasily Ilyich Nechaev was born on January 11, 1920, in Moscow. His interest in mathematics and mathematical talent was evident even at school. School years were also a time of active self-education. In 1937 he entered the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Moscow City Pedagogical Institute and graduated with honors in June 1941. On October 15, 1941, V.I. Nechaev volunteered for the Red Army. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-8407bde8cf23d1e1
SKU: bd-8407bde8cf23d1e1