translit Defo D. Puteshestviya i udivitelnye priklyucheniya Robinzona Kruzo. eng Defoe D. Robinson Crusoes Journey and Amazing Adventures. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Eg. Kovalevskiy Graf Bludov i ego vremya (Tsarstvovanie imperatora Aleksandra I). eng Egor Kovalevsky Count Blodov and His Time (The Kingdom of Emperor Alexander I). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Istoriya Russkoy Tserkvi v period mongolskiy. Makariya, arkhiepiskopa Kharkovskogo. Kniga I. eng History of the Russian Church in the Mongolian Period. Makaria, Archbishop of Kharkiv. Book I. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Kovalevskiy Eg. Graf Bludov i ego vremya (Tsarstvovanie imperatora Alesandra I). eng Kovalevsky Eg. Count Blodov and His Time (The Kingdom of Emperor Alexander I). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Konvolyut. 1) Katalog trigonometricheskikh i astronomicheskikh punktov, opredelennykh v Rossiyskoy imperii i za granitseyu s 1860 po 1865 god; 2) Otchet o deystviyakh Voenno-topograficheskogo otdela Glavnogo shtaba za 1866 god eng Convolutee. 1) Catalogue of trigonometric and astronomical points identified in the Russian Empire and abroad from 1860 to 1865; 2) Report on the activities of the Military Topographic Department of the General Staff for 1866 In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Pisarev D. I. Sochineniya. V 10 chastyakh (5 perepletov). eng Pisarev D. I. Works. In 10 parts (5 bindings). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Frobel, Yuliy. Amerika, ee Zhizn i Priroda. Puteshestvie professora Yu. Frobelya. V pyati knigakh. eng Frobel, Julius. America, its Life and Nature. The Journey of Professor J. Frobel. In five books. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Brem A. E. Zhizn ptits. Dlya domashnego i semeynogo chteniya. eng Brem A.E. Birds Life. For home and family reading. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Lyayell Ch. Rukovodstvo k geologii ili drevnie izmeneniya Zemli i ee obitateley, po svidetelstvu geologicheskikh pamyatnikov eng Lyell C. Guide to geology or ancient changes in the Earth and its inhabitants, as evidenced by geological monuments In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Pirogov N. I. Nachala obshchey voennopolevoy khirurgii, vzyatye iz nablyudeniy voennogospitalnoy praktiki i vospominaniy o Krymskoy voyne i Kavkazskoy ekspeditsii. Chast 2. eng Pirogov N. I. Begins general field surgery, taken from observations of military hospital practice and memories of the Crimean War and the Caucasus expedition. Part 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Pisma N.M. Karamzina k I.I. Dmitrievu izdali s primechaniyami i ukazatelem Ya. Grot i P. Pekarskiy. S eng Letters from N. M. Karamzin to I. I. Dmitriev published from afar with notes and an index to Ya. Groth and P. Pekarsky. S Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Burbonov M. Minaev D.D. Zdraviya zhelayu Stikhotvoreniya otstavnogo mayora Mikhaila Burbonova. Evgeniy Onegin nashego vremeni. Roman v stikhakh. eng Bourbonov M. Minaev D.D. Health I wish Poems by retired Major Mikhail Bourbonov. Evgeny Onegin of our time. A novel in poems. Publication date: 1866 $699 Add to cart
translit Gevaert A. F. Rukovodstvo k instrumentovke. eng Guevaert A. F. Instrument Guide. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart
translit Gulyaev M. Istoricheskie knigi Svyashchennogo pisaniya Vetkhogo zaveta ( Chetyre knigi Tsarstv, dve knigi Paralipomenon, kniga Ezdry, kniga Neemii i Esfir). eng Gulyaev M. Historical Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament (the Four Kings, the Two Chronicles, the Book of Ezra, the Book of Nehemiah, and Esther). In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart
translit Istoricheskie ocherki beglopopovshchiny na Irgize s 1762 po 1866 god. Vyp. 5. Bytovaya storona raskola s prilozheniem bezpopovshchinskogo slovarya i kataloga eng Historical Essays of the Fugitive Popovshchina in Irgiz from 1762 to 1866. Volume 5. The Home Side of the Divide, with the Appendix of the Popovshchina Dictionary and Catalogue In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart
translit Pogodin M. Nikolay Mikhaylovich Karamzin, po ego sochineniyam, pismam i otzyvam sovremennikov. eng M. Pogodin Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, on the basis of his writings, letters and comments from contemporaries. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart
translit Smayls S. Samodeyatelnost. eng Smiles S. Self-employment. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart
translit Smit I. Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu Angliyskogo yazyka, s izobrazheniem proiznosheniya po foneticheskomu metodu Pitmana. eng Smith I. A guide to learning English, featuring Pitmans pronunciation method. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart
translit Sostavil preimushchestvenno dlya roditeley A. Komb. Perevod s angliyskogo 9-go izdaniya, prosmotrennogo D Ukhod za detmi fiziologicheskiy i nravstvennyy. eng Predominantly written for parents by A. Comb. Translation from the English 9th edition, reviewed by D Child care physiological and moral. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart
translit Tolstoy A. K. Smert Ioanna Groznogo. eng Tolstoy A. K. The Death of John the Terrible. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). Publication date: 1866 $799 Add to cart