TransliterationChebyshev P. O razlozhenii funkcij v ryady pri pomoshchi nepreryvnyh drobej. 1866.
In EnglishChebyshev P. On the expansion of functions into series using continued fractions. St. Petersburg. In Russian.
Author: Chebyshev P.
Publication Date: 1866
Publication Place: St. Petersburg
Description: Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Chebyshev P. On the expansion of functions into series using continued fractions. [O razlozhenii funkcij v ryady pri pomoshchi nepreryvnyh drobej]. St. Petersburg, Printing House of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1866. 26p. Semi-leather binding. Enlarged format. This work laid the foundation for the development of continued fraction theory and its application in approximation theory. The book was well-received by mathematicians of the time and has been influential in the development of mathematics and its applications in science and engineering. Language: Russian. SKUMS002187 kn_nat
SKU: lom-MS002187